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    Brand: JOINFIT

    Barcode : RPJ05-00BK
    3m wire cable - easily adjusted with two screw nuts on both ends
    BD 3.300
    i h

    Barcode : RPJ05-00BK

    Item Code: RPJ05-00BK

    Model: J.T.088

     Unbelievably fast.

    • Cable length: 3m (adjustable)
    • Handle length: 12cm
    • Net weight: 0.17kg
    • 3m wire cable: easily adjusted with two screw nuts on both ends
    • Unique with its ability to easily change lengths. High quality German made cable
    • Most used rope for Double Unders and Speed Jumping.
    • German made cable comes at 10′. Tall enough for jumpers 6′ 6″. (Using Proper form)
    • This is a wire rope,  if you do not want dangling ends for good, you need a pair of wire cutters to cut the rope short, adjust once so you're ready to go for each and every workout.