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    Brand: VENUM

    Barcode : EAX25-00BN
    The PTS Lite, or Venum Power Training System Lite is a lite version of the original PTS.
    BD 29.500
    i h

    Barcode : EAX25-00BN

    Item Code: EAX25-00BN

    Model: VENUM-04181-116

    • The PTS Lite, or Venum Power Training System Lite is a lite version of the original PTS.
    • It is a modular exercise system that will allow you to develop your endurance as well as your strength and your durability.
    • Easily transportable and attachable almost anywhere, the PTS Lite adapts to athletes of all levels: the variety and intensity of the exercises is adjustable to your goals, your level and your favorite discipline.
    • Installing the Power Training System is quick and easy, in the gym as well as at home training.